30 October 2024
Total number of holders of ordinary shares as at the end of the Reporting Period 342,348 Total number of holders of preference shares whose voting rights had been restored as at the end of the Reporting Period 0
Particulars of shareholding of the top 10 holders of ordinary shares
Name of shareholder Type of shareholder Shareholding percentage (%) Number of shares held as at the end of the Reporting Period (share) Number of
shares held
subject to
on sales
Shares pledged/marked/ frozen
Status Number (share)
HKSCC Nominees Limited Other 18.93 8,285,955,886 - Unknown -
Dajia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. — UniversalProduct Domestic legal person 10.30 4,508,984,567 - Nil -
Dajia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. — Traditional Product Domestic legal person 6.49 2,843,300,122 - Nil -
Shenzhen Liye Group Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned legal person 4.49 1,966,999,113 - Pledged 1,284,000,000
Tongfang Guoxin
Investment Holding Co.,
Domestic legal
4.31 1,888,530,701 - Pledged 1,850,802,321
New Hope Liuhe Investment Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned legal person 4.18 1,828,327,362 - Nil -
Shanghai Giant Lifetech Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned legal person 3.15


- Pledged 1,379,678,400
China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association Domestic non-state-owned legal person 3.02 1,324,284,453 - Nil -
Orient Group Incorporation Domestic non-state-owned legal person 2.92 1,280,117,123 - Pledged 1,272,649,488
Marked 1,163,088,412
Frozen 117,028,711
HKSCC Limited Other 2.60 1,139,546,986 - Nil -
Statement on the related relationship or concerted actions among the aforesaid shareholders

1. Dajia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Universal Product and Dajia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. –Traditional Product have the same legal person; HKSCC Nominees Limited is a whollyowned subsidiary of HKSCC Limited;
2. Save as mentioned above, the Bank is not aware of any related relationship or concerted action among the above shareholders.

Statement on margin trading, short selling and refinancing engaged by the top ten holders of ordinary shares and the top ten holders of ordinary shares not subject to restriction on sales 

1. The margin account of Shenzhen Liye Group Co., Ltd. holds 313,808,367 shares of the Bank, representing 0.72% of the total share capital of the Bank. Save as mentioned above, the Bank is not aware of any margin trading and short selling engaged by other shareholders above;
2. Except for the unknown information of HKSCC Nominees Limited, according to the record of opening/ending shares lent for refinancing in the first three quarters of 2024 by the shareholders with shareholding of 5% or more, the top 10 holders of ordinary shares and the top 10 holders of circulating shares not subject to restriction on sales of the Bank provided by China Securities Finance Corporation Limited, there was no refinancing engaged by the top 10 holders of ordinary shares and the top 10 holders of ordinary shares not subject to restriction on sales of the Bank.

1. The number of shares held by holders of A shares and the number of shares held by holders ofH shares in the above table were recorded in accordance with the registers of shareholders ofthe Bank provided by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (ShanghaiBranch) and Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, respectively;
2. No shareholder of the Bank held shares subject to restriction on sales;
3. Total number of the shares held by HKSCC Nominees Limited acting as an agent representsthe total amount of H shares of the Bank held by all institutional and individual investors thatregistered in the account of such investors as at the end of the Reporting Period; Total number ofthe shares held by HKSCC Limited represents the total amount of A shares (SSE-listed securitiesthrough Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect) it held as a nominee holder designated by and onbehalf of Hong Kong and overseas investors as at the end of the Reporting Period;
4. Shares held and pledged by Tongfang Guoxin Investment Holding Co., Ltd. included 1,850,802,321shares transferred to “Tongfang Guoxin Investment Holding Co., Ltd. – special account for pledgeof convertible corporate bonds non-publicly issued to professional investors (同方國信投資控股有限公司——面向專業投資者非公開發行可交換公司債券質押專戶)” (five tranches in total) due toissuing bonds.