In which capital market are shares of CMBC listed and what is its stock code?


On December 19, 2000, A-shares of CMBC were listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock code is 600016.
On November 26, 2009, H-shares of CMBC were listed at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The stock code is 01988.

What’s the address of CMBC head office?


No.2 Fuxingmen Nei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing

What are the channels for investors to acquire the information on CMBC?


For information, investors may visit the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange ( or CMBC (, or consult relevant questions through our investors’hotline or mailbox. Investors’hotline: 8610-58560975(Beijing), 8610-58560824(Beijing); Investors’

How often does CMBC disclose its financial information?


We disclose our financial information through quarterly report, semi-annual report and annual report.

How often does CMBC disclose its financial information?


We disclose our financial information through quarterly report, interim report and annual report.